Friday, January 30, 2015

Want your Players to Catch every Pop Up?

Most people have seen a youth baseball play that goes like this: The hitter pops the ball almost straight up, it hits the ground, and the batter gets a strike. Sometimes, though, something magic
happens- the catcher catches the ball. Is it really magic when that happens though? Not really. It’s just a well-trained little catcher who knows how to catch those pop-ups. If you want your players to have this skill, try this awesome new drill with them.

The Drill

Have the catcher squat into the position. Then you, the coach, should step a few feet in front of him and turn your back. Using a signal phrase or hand motion, toss the ball up into the air, mimicking a pop-up. Your catcher should then do his best to catch the pop-up and keep it from hitting the ground.

You should also teach your catcher to remove his mask while he’s getting to his feet to catch the ball. Not having the mask hindering him makes it a lot easier to catch the ball.

Also, make sure you don’t toss the ball exactly the same every time. Vary where the “pop-ups” go and how high they go. After all, who knows what way a pop-up ball is bound to go in a real game?

If you devote just a few minutes each practice day to this handy, easy drill, you should see great results from your catcher in no time flat. Try it with your other players too. Everyone can benefit from learning how to catch those pesky pop-ups.

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