Wednesday, April 1, 2015

How a Deflated Basketball can Increase Batting Power

Usually, basketball and baseball don’t mix, as in they’re not two sports that you often think about going together. Amazingly, though, an old, deflated basketball can do wonders for improving batting power in young baseball players.

See, the problem with younger baseball athletes is that they often just want to hit the ball, plain and
simple. They’re happy if they can just do that, and they usually don’t give much thought to the strength and aim of their hits. They also tend to have bad batting stances. Most are either way too far in front of the pitch, or they’re just plain not standing properly, which can take power and direction away from their swings.

If you want to teach your players the importance of proper batting stance, and, in the meantime, teach them how to hit with power, then there’s a simple drill you can try. All you need is an old, deflated basketball. Stick it on a tee, using a plunger turned upside down if you need help balancing it on the tee.

After the basketball is properly situated, have your players take turns hitting that old basketball, reminding them of proper batting stance all along. They’ll quickly find that, without the proper stance, they can’t really get that poor, old ball moving...not even a  little bit.

If they have to be in the proper stance to even get the ball to move, they’ll learn how important proper batting stance is, and, with enough practices, taking the right stance can become second nature to them- something they do without even thinking about it, which is exactly what you want!